Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Ubuntu”
Running the UniFi Controller under LXD
A while back I bought some UniFi access points. I hadn’t gotten round to setting up the Network Controller software to properly manage them though, so thought I’d dig into setting that up.
Exploring Github Actions
To help keep myself honest, I wanted to set up automated test runs on a few personal projects I host on Github. At first I gave Travis a try, since a number of projects I contribute to use it, but it felt a bit clunky. When I found Github had a new CI system in beta, I signed up for the beta and was accepted a few weeks later.
While it is still in development, the configuration language feels lean and powerful. In comparison, Travis's configuration language has obviously evolved over time with some features not interacting properly (e.g. matrix expansion only working on the first job in a workflow using build stages). While I've never felt like I had a complete grasp of the Travis configuration language, the single page description of Actions configuration language feels complete.
Building IoT projects with Ubuntu Core talk
Last week I gave a talk at Perth Linux Users Group about building IoT projects using Ubuntu Core and Snapcraft. The video is now available online. Unfortunately there were some problems with the audio setup leading to some background noise in the video, but it is still intelligible:
The slides used in the talk can be found here.
Ubuntu Desktop
When the Ubuntu Phone project was cancelled, I moved to the desktop team. The initial goal for team was to bring up a GNOME 3 based desktop for the Ubuntu 17.10 release that would be familiar to both Ubuntu users coming from the earlier Unity desktop, and users of “vanilla” GNOME 3.
Performing mounts securely on user owned directories
While working on a feature for snapd, we had a need to perform a "secure bind mount". In this context, "secure" meant:
- The source and/or target of the mount is owned by a less privileged user.
- User processes will continue to run while we're performing the mount (so solutions that involve suspending all user processes are out).
- While we can't prevent the user from moving the mount point, they should not be able to trick us into mounting to locations they don't control (e.g. by replacing the path with a symbolic link).
The main problem is that the mount system call uses string path names to
identify the mount source and target. While we can perform checks on the
paths before the mounts, we have no way to guarantee that the paths
don't point to another location when we move on to the mount()
call: a classic time of check to time of
use race
ThinkPad Infrared Camera
One of the options available when configuring the my ThinkPad was an Infrared camera. The main selling point being "Windows Hello" facial recognition based login. While I wasn't planning on keeping Windows on the system, I was curious to see what I could do with it under Linux. Hopefully this is of use to anyone else trying to get it to work.
The camera is manufactured by Chicony Electronics (probably a CKFGE03 or similar), and shows up as two USB devices:
Ubuntu Phone and Unity
At the end of 2012, I moved from Ubuntu One to the Unity API Team at Canonical. This team was responsible for various services that supported the Unity desktop shell: most noticeably the search functionality. This work initially focused on the Unity 7 desktop shipping with Ubuntu, but then changed focus to the Unity 8 rewrite used by the Ubuntu Phone project.
Ubuntu One
Ubuntu One was a set of online services provided by Canonical for Ubuntu users. It provided cloud hosted storage for files and structured data, synchronised to the user’s local machine. The Ubuntu One service was discontinued in 2014.
u1ftp: a demonstration of the Ubuntu One API
One of the projects I've been working on has been to improve aspects of the Ubuntu One Developer Documentation web site. While there are still some layout problems we are working on, it is now in a state where it is a lot easier for us to update.
I have been working on updating our authentication/authorisation documentation and revising some of the file storage documentation (the API used by the mobile Ubuntu One clients). To help verify that the documentation was useful, I wrote a small program to exercise those APIs. The result is u1ftp: a program that exposes a user's files via an FTP daemon running on localhost. In conjunction with the OS file manager or a dedicated FTP client, this can be used to conveniently access your files on a system without the full Ubuntu One client installed.
Launchpad code scanned by Ohloh
Today Ohloh finished importing the Launchpad source code and produced the first source code analysis report. There seems to be something fishy about the reported line counts (e.g. -3,291 lines of SQL), but the commit counts and contributor list look about right. If you're interested in what sort of effort goes into producing an application like Launchpad, then it is worth a look.
e -
Have you seen the perl language?
More Rygel testing
In my last post, I said I had trouble getting Rygel's tracker backend to function and assumed that it was expecting an older version of the API. It turns out I was incorrect and the problem was due in part to Ubuntu specific changes to the Tracker package and the unusual way Rygel was trying to talk to Tracker.
The Tracker packages in Ubuntu remove the D-Bus service activation file for the "org.freedesktop.Tracker" bus name so that if the user has not chosen to run the service (or has killed it), it won't be automatically activated. Unfortunately, instead of just calling a Tracker D-Bus method, Rygel was trying to manually activate Tracker via a StartServiceByName() call. This would fail even if Tracker was running, hence my assumption that it was a tracker API version problem.
Ubuntu packages for Rygel
I promised Zeeshan that I'd have a look at his Rygel UPnP Media Server a few months back, and finally got around to doing so. For anyone else who wants to give it a shot, I've put together some Ubuntu packages for Jaunty and Karmic in a PPA here:
Most of the packages there are just rebuilds or version updates of existing packages, but the Rygel ones were done from scratch. It is the first Debian package I've put together from scratch and it wasn't as difficult as I thought it might be. The tips from the "Teach me packaging" workshop at the Canonical All Hands meeting last month were quite helpful.
Last week, we released the source code to django-openid-auth. This is a small library that can add OpenID based authentication to Django applications. It has been used for a number of internal Canonical projects, including the sprint scheduler Scott wrote for the last Ubuntu Developer Summit, so it is possible you've already used the code.
Rather than trying to cover all possible use cases of OpenID, it focuses on providing OpenID Relying Party support to applications using Django's django.contrib.auth authentication system. As such, it is usually enough to edit just two files in an existing application to enable OpenID login.
Streaming Vorbis files from Ubuntu to a PS3
One of the nice features of the PlayStation 3 is the UPNP/DLNA media renderer. Unfortunately, the set of codecs is pretty limited, which is a problem since most of my music is encoded as Vorbis. MediaTomb was suggested to me as a server that could transcode the files to a format the PS3 could understand.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have much luck with the version included with Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid), and after a bit of investigation it seems that there isn’t a released version of MediaTomb that can send PCM audio to the PS3. So I put together a package of a subversion snapshot in my PPA which should work on Intrepid.
I arrived in Prague yesterday for the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Including time spent in transit in Singapore and London, the flights took about 30 hours.
As I was flying on BA, I got to experience Heathrow Terminal 5. It wasn't quite as bad as some of the horror stories I'd heard. There were definitely aspects that weren't forgiving of mistakes. For example, when taking the train to the "B" section there was a sign saying that if you accidentally got on the train when you shouldn't have it would take 40 minutes to get back to the "A" section.
Weird GNOME Power Manager error message
Since upgrading to Ubuntu Gutsy I've occasionally been seeing the following notification from GNOME Power Manager:

I'd usually trigger this error by unplugging the AC adapter and then picking suspend from GPM's left click menu.
My first thought on seeing this was "What's a policy timeout, and why
is it not valid?" followed by "I don't remember setting a policy
timeout". Looking at bug
492132 I found a
pointer to the policy_suppression_timeout
gconf value, whose
description gives a bit more information.
On the way to Boston
I am at Narita Airport at the moment, on the way to Boston for some of the meetings being held during UDS. It'll be good to catch up with everyone again.
Hopefully this trip won't be as eventful as the previous one to Florida :)
Schema Generation in ORMs
When Storm was released, one of the comments made was that it did not include the ability to generate a database schema from the Python classes used to represent the tables while this feature is available in a number of competing ORMs. The simple reason for this is that we haven't used schema generation in any of our ORM-using projects.
Furthermore I'd argue that schema generation is not really appropriate for long lived projects where the data stored in the database is important. Imagine developing an application along these lines:
Upgrading to Ubuntu Gutsy
I got round to upgrading my desktop system to Gutsy today. I'd upgraded my laptop the previous week, so was not expecting much in the way of problems.
I'd done the original install on my desktop back in the Warty days, and the root partition was a bit too small to perform the upgrade. As there was a fair bit of accumulated crud, I decided to do a clean install. Things mostly worked, but there were a few problems, which I detail below:
Canonical Shop Open
The new Canonical Shop was opened recently which allows you to buy anything from Ubuntu tshirts and DVDs up to a 24/7 support contract for your server.
One thing to note is that this is the first site using our new Launchpad single sign-on infrastructure. We will be rolling this out to other sites in time, which should give a better user experience to the existing shared authentication system currently in place for the wikis.
gnome-vfs-obexftp 0.4
It hasn't been long since the last gnome-vfs-obexftp release, but I thought it'd be good to get these fixes out before undertaking more invasive development. The new version is available from:
The highlights of this release are:
- If the phone does not provide free space values in the OBEX capability object, do not report this as zero free space. This fixes Nautilus file copy behaviour on a number of Sony Ericsson phones.
- Fix date parsing when the phone returns UTC timestamps in the folder listings.
- Add some tests for the capability object and folder listing XML parsers. Currently has sample data for Nokia 6230, Motorola KRZR K1, and Sony K800i, Z530i and Z710i phones.
These fixes should improve the user experience for owners of some Sony Ericsson phones by letting them copy files to the phone, rather than Nautilus just telling them that there is no free space. Unfortunately, if there isn't enough free space you'll get an error part way through the copy. This is the best that can be done with the information provided by the phone.
Investigating OBEX over USB
I've had a number of requests for USB support in gnome-vfs-obexftp. At
first I didn't have much luck talking to my phone via USB. Running the
utility from OpenOBEX gave the following results:
$ obex_test -u
Using USB transport, querying available interfaces
Interface 0: (null)
Interface 1: (null)
Interface 2: (null)
Use 'obex_test -u interface_number' to run interactive OBEX test client
Trying to talk via any of these interface numbers failed. After reading
up a bit, it turned out that I needed to add a udev
rule to give
permissions on my phone. After doing so, I got a better result:
gnome-vfs-obexftp 0.3
I've just released a new version of gnome-vfs-obexftp, which includes the features discussed previously. It can be downloaded from:
The highlights of the release include:
- Sync osso-gwobex and osso-gnome-vfs-extras changes from Maemo Subversion.
- Instead of asking hcid to set up the RFCOMM device for communication, use an RFCOMM socket directly. This is both faster and doesn't require enabling experimental hcid interfaces. Based on work from Bastien Nocera.
- Improve free space calculation for Nokia phones with multiple memory types (e.g. phone memory and a memory card). Now the free space for the correct memory type for a given directory should be returned. This fixes various free-space dependent operations in Nautilus such as copying files.
Any bug reports should be filed in Launchpad at:
FM Radio in Rhythmbox – The Code
Previously, I posted about the FM radio plugin I was working on. I just posted the code to bug 168735. A few notes about the implementation:
- The code only supports Video4Linux 2 radio tuners (since that’s the interface my device supports, and the V4L1 compatibility layer doesn’t work for it). It should be possible to port it support both protocols if someone is interested.
- It does not pass the audio through the GStreamer pipeline. Instead, you need to configure your mixer settings to pass the audio through (e.g. unmute the Line-in source and set the volume appropriately). It plugs in a GStreamer source that generates silence to work with the rest of the Rhythmbox infrastructure. This does mean that the volume control and visualisations won’t work
- No properties dialog yet. If you want to set titles on the stations,
you’ll need to edit
directly at the moment. - The code assumes that the radio device is
Other than that, it all works quite well (I've been using it for the last few weeks).
FM Radio in Rhythmbox
I've been working on some FM radio support in Rhythmbox in my spare time. Below is screenshot

At the moment, the basic tuning and mute/unmute works fine with my
DSB-R100. I don't have any UI for adding/removing stations at the
moment though, so it is necessary to edit
to add them.
Joel -
This feature would truly be a welcome addition!
I'm especially pleased it's being developed by a fellow Australian! (If the radio stations are any indication)
FM Radio Tuners in Feisty
I upgraded to Feisty about a month or so ago, and it has been a nice improvement so far. One regression I noticed though was that my USB FM radio tuner had stopped working (or at least, Gnomeradio could no longer tune it).
It turns out that some time between the kernel release found in Edgy and
the one found in Feisty, the dsbr100
driver had been upgraded from the
Video4Linux 1
API to
2. Now the
driver nominally supports the V4L1 ioctls through the v4l1_compat
, but
it doesn't seem to implement enough V4L2 ioctls to make it usable (the
ioctl fails).
Launchpad 1.0 Public Beta
As mentioned in the press release, we've got two new high profile projects using us for bug tracking: The Zope 3 Project and The Silva Content Management System. As part of their migration, we imported all their old bug reports (for Zope 3, and for Silva). This was done using the same import process that we used for the SchoolTool import. Getting this process documented so that other projects can more easily switch to Launchpad is still on my todo list.
Daylight saving started yesterday: the first time since 1991/1992 summer
for Western Australia. The legislation finally passed the upper house on
21st November (12 days before the transition date). The updated
packages were released on 27th
November (6 days before the transition). So far, there hasn't been an
updated package released for Ubuntu (see bug
One thing brought up in the Launchpad bug was that not all applications
used the system /usr/share/zoneinfo
time zone database. So other
places that might need updating include:
San Francisco
I arrived in San Francisco today for the
Canonical company conference. Seems like a
nice place, and not too cold :)
. So far I've just gone for a walk
along Fisherman's Wharf for a few hours. There look
On the plane trip, I had a chance to see Last Train to Freo, which I didn't get round to seeing in the cinemas. Definitely worth watching.
Daylight Saving in Western Australia
Like a few other states, Western Australia does not do daylight saving. Recently the state parliament has been discussing a Daylight saving bill. The bill is now before the Legislative Council (the upper house). If the bill gets passed, there will be a 3 year trial followed by a referendum to see if we want to continue.
I hadn't been paying too much attention to it, and had assumed they would be talking about starting the trial next year. But it seems they're actually talking about starting it on 3rd December. So assuming the bill gets passed, there will be less than a month til it starts.
Building obex-method
I published a Bazaar branch of the Nautilus obex method here:
This version works with the hcid
daemon included with Ubuntu Edgy,
rather than requiring the btcond
daemon from
Some simple instructions on building it:
Download and build the
library:svn checkout osso-gwobex
The debian/ directory should work fine to build a package using
. -
Download and build the obex module:
bzr branch
There is no debian packaging for this — just an
Playing Around With the Bluez D-BUS Interface
In my previous entry about using the
Maemo obex-module
on the desktop, Johan Hedberg mentioned that
3.7 included equivalent interfaces to the
daemon used by the method. Since then, the copy of
in Edgy has been updated to 3.7, and the necessary
interfaces are enabled in hcid
by default.
Before trying to modify the VFS code, I thought I'd experiment a bit
with the D-BUS interfaces via the D-BUS python bindings. Most of the
interesting method calls exist on the org.bluez.Adapter
interface. We
can easily get the default adapter with the following code:
OBEX in Nautilus
When I got my new laptop, one of the features it had that my previous one didn't was Bluetooth support. There are a few Bluetooth related utilities for Gnome that let you send and receive SMS messages and a few other things, but a big missing feature is the ability to transfer files to and from the phone easily.
Ideally, I'd be able to browse the phone's file system using Nautilus. Luckily, the Maemo guys have already done the hard work of writing a gnome-vfs module that speaks the OBEX FTP protocol. I had a go at compiling it on my laptop (running Ubuntu Edgy), and you can see the result below:
Ubuntu Bugzilla Migration Comment Cleanup
Earlier in the year, we migrated the bugs from
over to Launchpad. This process
involved changes to the bug numbers, since the
Launchpad is used for more than just
Ubuntu and already had a number of bugs
reported in the system.
People often refer to other bugs in comments, which both Bugzilla and Launchpad conveniently turn into links. The changed bug numbers meant that the bug references in the comments ended up pointing to the wrong bugs. The bug import was done one bug at a time, so if bug A referred to bug B but bug B hadn't been imported by the time we were importing bug A, then we wouldn't know what bug number it should be referring to.
I've been testing out Ekiga recently, and so far the experience has been a bit hit and miss.
- Firewall traversal has been unreliable. Some numbers (like the SIPPhone echo test) work great. In some cases, no traffic has gotten through (where both parties were behind Linux firewalls). In other cases, voice gets through in one direction but not the other. Robert Collins has some instructions on setting up siproxd which might solve all this though, so I'll have to try that.
- The default display for the main window is a URI entry box and a dial pad. It would make much more sense to display the user's list of contacts here instead (which are currently in a separate window). I rarely enter phone numbers on my mobile phone, instead using the address book. I expect that most VoIP users would be the same, provided that using the address book is convenient.
- Related to the previous point: the registration service seems to know who is online and who is not. It would be nice if this information could be displayed next to the contacts.
- Ekiga supports multiple sound cards. It was a simple matter of selecting "Logitech USB Headset" as the input and output device on the audio devices page of the preferences to get it to use my headset. Now I hear the ring on my desktop's speakers, but can use the headset for calls.
- It is cool that Ekiga supports video calls, but I have no video camera on my computer. Even though I disabled video support in the preferences, there is still a lot of knobs and whistles in the UI related to video.
Even though there are still a few warts, Ekiga shows a lot of promise. As more organisations provide SIP gateways become available (such as the UWA gateway), this software will become more important as a way of avoiding expensive phone charges as well as a way of talking to friends/colleagues.
Firefox Ligature Bug Followup
Thought I'd post a followup on my previous post since it generated a bit of interest. First a quick summary:
- It is not an Ubuntu Dapper specific bug. With the appropriate combination of fonts and pango versions, it will exhibit itself on other Pango-enabled Firefox builds (it was verified on the Fedora build too).
- It is not a DejaVu bug, although it is one of the few fonts to exhibit the problem. The simple fact is that not many fonts provide ligature glyphs and include the required OpenType tables for them to be used.
- It isn't a Pango bug. The ligatures are handled correctly in normal GTK applications on Dapper. The bug only occurs with Pango >= 1.12, but that is because older versions did not make use of the OpenType tables in the "basic" shaper (used for latin scripts like english).
- The bug only occurs in the Pango backend, but then the non-Pango renderer doesn't even support ligatures. Furthermore, there are a number of languages that can't be displayed correctly with the non-Pango renderer so it is not very appealing.
The firefox bug is only triggered in the slow, manual glyph positioning code path of the text renderer. This only gets invoked if you have non-default letter or word spacing (such as justified text). In this mode, the width of the normal glyph of the first character in the ligature seems to be used for positioning which results in the overlapping text.
Annoying Firefox Bug
Ran into an annoying Firefox bug after upgrading to Ubuntu Dapper. It seems to affect rendering of ligatures.
At this point, I am not sure if it is an Ubuntu specific bug. The current conditions I know of to trigger the bug are:
- Firefox 1.5 (I am using the 1.5.dfsg+ package).
- Pango rendering enabled (the default for Ubuntu).
- The web page must use a font that contains ligatures and use those ligatures. Since the "DejaVu Sans" includes ligatures and is the default "sans serif" font in Dapper, this is true for a lot of websites.
- The text must be justified (e.g. use the "
text-align: justify
" CSS rule).
If you view a site where these conditions are met with an affected
Firefox build, you will see the bug: ligature glyphs will be used to
render character sequences like "ffi
", but only the advance of the
first character's normal glyph is used before drawing the next glyph.
This results in overlapping glyphs:
I've been in London for a bit over a week now at the Launchpad sprint. We've been staying in a hotel near the Excel exhibition centre in Docklands, which has a nice view of the docs and you can see the planes landing at the airport out the windows of the conference rooms.
I met up with James Bromberger (one of the two main organisers of 2003) on Thursday, which is the first time I've seen him since he left for the UK after the conference.
Launchpad featured on ELER
Launchpad got a mention in the latest Everybody Loves Eric Raymond comic. It is full of inaccuracies though — we use XML-RPC rather than SOAP.
opi -
Oh, c'mon. It was quite fun. :-)
Bugzilla to Malone Migration
The Bugzilla migration on Friday went quite well, so we've now got all the old Ubuntu bug reports in Launchpad. Before the migration, we were up to bug #6760. Now that the migration is complete, there are more than 28000 bugs in the system. Here are some quick points to help with the transition:
accounts were migrated to Launchpad accounts with a few caveats:- If you already had a Launchpad account with your bugzilla email address associated with it, then the existing Launchpad account was used.
- No passwords were migrated from Bugzilla, due to differences in the method of storing them. You can set the password on the account at
- If you had a Launchpad account but used a different email to the one on your Bugzilla account, then you now have two Launchpad accounts. You can merge the two accounts at
If you have a
bug number, you can find the corresponding Launchpad bug number with the following URL:
Ubuntu Bugzilla Migration
The migration is finally going to happen, after much testing of migration code and improvements to Malone.
If all goes well, Ubuntu will be using a single bug tracker again on
Friday (as opposed to the current system where bugs in main
go in
Bugzilla and bugs in universe
go in Malone).
Keshav -
I am Keshav and i am 22. I am working as software in Software Company . I am currently working on Bugzilla. I think i can get some help in understanding how i can migrate bugzilla . Can you provide me the tips and list the actions so that i can come close in making a effective migration functionality
Switch users from XScreenSaver
Joao: you can
configure XScreenSaver to show a "Switch User" button in it's
password dialog (which calls gdmflexiserver
when run). This lets you
start a new X session after the screen has locked. This feature is
turned on in Ubuntu if you want to try it out.
Of course, this is not a full solution, since it doesn't help you switch to an existing session (you'd need to guess the correct Ctrl+Alt+Fn combo). There is code in gnome-screensaver to support this though, giving you a list of sessions you can switch to.
Moving from Bugzilla to Launchpad
One of the things that was discussed at
UBZ was moving Ubuntu's bug
tracking over to Launchpad. The current
situation sees bugs in main
being filed in
bugzilla while bugs in universe
go in
Launchpad. Putting all the bugs in Launchpad is an improvement, since
users only need to go to one system to file bugs.
I wrote the majority of the conversion script before the conference, but made a few important improvements at the conference after discussions with some of the developers. Since the bug tracking system is probably of interest to people who weren't at the conf, I'll outline some of the details of the conversion below:
Avahi on Breezy followup
So after I posted some instructions for setting up Avahi on Breezy, a fair number of people at UBZ did so. For most people this worked fine, but it seems that a few people's systems started spewing a lot of network traffic.
It turns out that the problem was actually caused by the
(which I did not suggest installing) rather than Avahi. The zeroconf
package is not needed for service discovery or .local
name lookup, so
if you are at UBZ you should remove the package or suffer the wrath of
Avahi on Breezy
During conferences, it is often useful to be able to connect to connect to other people's machines (e.g. for collaborative editing sessions with Gobby). This is a place where mDNS hostname resolution can come in handy, so you don't need to remember IP addresses.
This is quite easy to set up on Breezy:
- Install the
packages from universe. - Restart dbus in order for the new system bus security policies to
take effect with "
sudo invoke-rc.d dbus restart
". - Start
with "sudo invoke-rc.d avahi-daemon start
". - Edit
, and add "mdns
" to the end of the "hosts:
" line.
Now your hostname should be advertised to the local network, and you can
connect to other hosts by name (of the form hostname.local
). You can
also get a list of the currently advertised hosts and services with the
Ubuntu Below Zero
I've been in Montreal since Wednesday for Ubuntu Below Zero.
As well as being my first time in Canada, it was my first time in transit through the USA. Unlike in most countries, I needed to pass through customs and get a visa waiver even though I was in transit. The visa waiver form had some pretty weird questions, such as whether I was involved in persecutions associated with Nazi Germany or its allies.
DSB-R100 USB Radio Tuner
Picked up a DSB-R100 USB Radio tuner off EBay recently. I did this partly because I have better speakers on my computer than on the radio in that room, and partly because I wanted to play around with timed recordings.
Setting it up was trivial -- the dsbr100
driver got loaded
automatically, and a program to tune the radio
(gnomeradio) was
available in the Ubuntu universe repository. I did need to change the
radio device from /dev/radio
to /dev/radio0